CS371p Week of 14 Sep — 20 Sep

Noah Lindley
2 min readSep 19, 2020

What did you do this past week?

This past week we learned about try-catch blocks and the most efficient way to throw/catch them in a program. We also went on to discuss our new project which covers a system of voting called Score Voting. It seems like it’s going to be an interesting program to write with my partner. Lastly, we wrote a strcmp method that compares 2 C-strings this week.

What’s in your way?

I currently have COVID-19 so keeping up with school has been tough, but I’m managing. I would like to get ahead by completing most of my homework this weekend since I won’t be working.

What will you do next week?

This next week I have 2 group projects that I will be starting on. So, this weekend is an ideal time to start getting most of my individual work out of the way. If I can get all of my individual work done so I can get the group projects done sooner that would be great for me.

What was your experience of exceptions, voting, and strcmp? (this question will vary, week to week)

This exception was very intuitive, but when I first started looking at the voting project for this next week I was confused. I was having a hard time understanding the process of weeding out the losing candidates, but I think I have a good idea of how to program it now. Strcmp wasn’t bad for my group and I to implement at all we did it fairly quickly.

What made you happy this week?

I got to get a lot of spare time off of work so I’ve been able to strictly focus on school which is nice. I’ve also had enough time to apply to few places so hopefully, I get some calls back about interviews!

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

If you need to get a quick test for COVID you can go to select Walgreens locations and get a rapid test for free. When I took mine it took them about an hour & a half to call me about the results and I didn’t even have to make an appointment.

